Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Klaturd's threats, recorded for the ages.

Klatu's words of wisdom can be found in <a href="">this thread</a>.

And I quote:

"PS: CNSKATE, jose needs to have his
_ _ _ KICKED"

In regard to his challenging me to a fight, you can find that <a href="">in this thread</a>.

Again, I quote:

"God your an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Pick a Wal-Mart Parking Lot
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Name the Time?

You _ _ _ _ _ Fool?"

These were not deleted, so I assume Victoria deems them suitable for this blog.

I don't get it either.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

re: That's Illegal!

Saved for posterity, in case you-know-who gets all delete-y tonight. Jose wrote:

Ms. Taft:
Let's see if I have this straight. You drove by a day
labor center. There was man standing there with a sign looking for
work. He is obviously of Mexican or some other hispanic ancestry. You
snap a picture of him. He tells you "hey that's illegal." You've posted
his picture on your website.
The irony was lost on him, alas, you say. He's an ILLEGAL!! What irony!!
There is something that is not lost on me. It is not irony. It is the naked ugly face of racism.
am of Mexican ancestry. I don't look all that much different than the
man in your picture. He's a little slimmer and much better looking than
I am. I was born and raised in this country. My father served in the
United States Army in World War II. My brother served in the United
States Navy in Vietnam, earning three medals. My uncle died in Vietnam.
My niece served 20 months in Iraq and is being called back next winter.
If you had driven past ME standing there, holding up a sign and looking
for work, you would have snapped my picture and posted it here and
accused ME of being what you so hatefully and ignorantly call an
ILLEGAL ALIEN. A term of anger and hatred. Aimed at me. Because my skin
is brown.
My only response to your actions should be a string of
nasty words that my father taught me never to use. I will respect his
teaching, but I must say that sometimes those words are the only
appropriate ones. I'd actually use them but you'd just delete my
Did you stop and talk to the man? Did you check his
documents? Can you tell me for a fact that he was here illegally? Did
you ask him how many children he has to support? Did you ask him how
much of the money he earns here is sent to help his family in Mexico or
El Salvador or Guatemala every month? Did you ask him what church he
goes to? Did you do anything even as simple as asking his name? Or did
you just snap a picture of a man with brown skin, put it on your
website, and cry ILLEGAL ALIEN?
Could you possibly, Ms. Taft, in
some far off and long forgotten corner of your Christian heart, find
room to admit to yourself that this man might even have been an
AMERICAN CITIZEN who was born in this country? Who just needed a job?
It is utterly beyond imagining that someone who's here legally, some
who was born here, even a white person, might go out and hold up a sign
looking for work?
Stop calling names. Stop spouting hatred. Stop assuming that anyone with brown skin is in this country illegally.
you'd like to convince people that your viewpoint on immigration is not
motivated by racism, stop conducting yourself like a racist. Stop
looking at the color of someone's skin and making false assumptions
about that person. And for God's sake stop the name calling.
time you go to a day labor center, do something else. Look deep into
that far far lost corner of your Christian heart. Love the Lord your
God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength. Love
your neighbor as you love yourself. Get out of the car and walk up to
just one man looking for work. Look him in the eyes. Jesus demanded
that we recognize that every single human being on this planet is a
child of God. Look the brown skinned child of God in the eyes. Ask him
what his name is. Ask him how many children he has. Ask him how much
money he sends home to help his family. Ask him where he goes to
church. Post here on your blog his name, where he's from, how many
children he has, how much money he sends home, where he goes to church.
go to his church, confess your sins, and pray for forgiveness. You have
judged another child of God by the color of his skin, without so much
as knowing his name or looking him in the eye. It's a good thing
forgiveness comes from God. As a mere human being, my capacity for
forgiveness is being pushed to its limit by this kind of hateful name
calling taking the place of appropriate political discussion to address
our nation's problems.
Please, I can only ask again, please stop the name calling. Please stop the name calling.

"I'll make it worth your while ..."

You're right.

We should definitely keep poor people from affording electricity and food.

Good idea.

That's why you're the champ, Victoria!


Well, Keith, Victoria seems to think that I'm trolling.

I call it a counterpoint, she calls it a troll.

Go figure.

She says I'm wasting her time.

Apparently, trying to present an alternative viewpoint is a "waste" of time to her.

Apparently, being civil and not using proper language is still not enough.

But it's fine for Klatu to advocate violence against Jose, and it's fine for him to challenge me to a fight in the parking lot of my choosing.

But if I try to point out that Obama's seal was not illegal, oh, heaven forbid ... stop the presses.

Monday, June 23, 2008

re: "Obama Unveils Presidential Seal"

Sarah got it right, Lew. The "but, but, but ... not for a <i>candidate</i>" argument is a weak and desperate attempt to try to "win" this argument.

You wrote "... you really should read the entire US Code, not just the first few words. Does the words any facsimile thereof ring a bell?"

So I guess this doesn't apply to the Republicans, then? Or to any of the other groups you acknowledge also use similar seals? Or perhaps you're changing your own rules midway?

What makes it OK for them to use it, then, but not Obama? Is there a special law that says candidates can't use similar seals (that are NOT facsimiles)?

On the plus side, at least someone finally admitted that Fox Noise is a conservative channel, and not the "fair and balanced" one they claim to be.

And also, why was my post deleted?

Will this one be deleted too, despite not having any objectionable content in it?

Time will tell!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Debunking myths and half-truths about Barack Obama

Two stories Victoria probably won't mention

Two stories you probably won't see on Victoria's blog, even though it would be "intellectually honest" of her to at least mention them in passing.

The first is a Reuters story entitled "Bush Misused Iraq Intelligence: Senate Report". In this article, the Bush administration was found to have "misstated Saddam Hussein's links to terrorism and ignored doubts among intelligence agencies about Iraq's arms programs as they made a case for war". Surprise!

Further, "Statements that Iraq had a partnership with al Qaeda were wrong and unsupported by intelligence."

In another Senate report, it was noted that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

Story number two is another that shows the shady side of Bush business dealings. And by shady, I mean "routine". And also, "shady".

In the article "Indicted Saudi Gets $80 Million US Contract", we learn that the "US military has awarded an $80 million contract to a prominent Saudi financier who has been indicted by the US Justice Department". He was to supply jet fuel to American bases in Afghanistan, but is wanted in "connection with his alleged role ... which cost US tax payers $1.7 billion.

He was also reported as having links to a money transfer network that was used by ... wait for it ... Al Qaeda.

OK, so maybe he's not the nicest guy in the neighborhood. The world is full of douchebags.

The kicker?

"Interestingly, Pharaon was also an investor in President George W. Bush's first business venture, Arbusto Energy."

Given W's penchant for cronyism and making sure his friends are "taken care of", this sure seems a little suspicious, no?

Thursday, June 05, 2008

I knew it.

Yup, my posts were deleted, and I was told to keep it "clean" and "respectful". So I'm reposting, adding the following:

Keep it clean? I used nothing REMOTELY close to your so-called "potty language". Not one word.

Keep it respectful? that's a two way street, Victoria. Scottie and Klatu need to be called out on that if I'm going to be.

Does Victoria condone/defend racist, violent statements by shitheads on her blog?

In case it's deleted, this exchange is from the comments section of
"K-Fed Wins "Father of the Year" and St. Barack Will Be Democratic Designate"

PS: CNSKATE, jose needs to have his _ _ _ KICKED

Klatu said...
Scottiebill said: I am wondering just how legal Jose is as far as his status goes to be here. Just asking.

Klatu said: I was thinking it, but you said. Does the INS check out these Posts? Hmmmmmm just wondering

iknowhowtospell said...
First of all, no - I'm not "back" with plans to post regularly.

But I do check in once in a while to see how things are going over here. Mostly, it's just more of the same.

However, in light of the uproar over Jeremiah Wright and all that nonsense here on the blog, I want to ask Victoria to condemn the statements Klatu is making.

Claiming that Jose might be illegal based only on his name is insulting and incredibly racist.

In addition, he has stated that "jose needs to have his _ _ _ KICKED". This is after he challenged me to meet him in a parking lot of my choosing several months back.

Victoria, will you please condemn these violent, racist comments from Klatu?

Or is there now a hypocritical double standard?
Klatu said...
iknowisaMarxist: Being a "Typical White Person" (BARACK HUSSEINO-BOMB-A'S words not mine who is running for Jimmy Carters 2ND term) Glad to see you back for some more "VERBAL COMBAT" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

PS: iknowisaMarxist: and remember RACISM is a two way street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

PPS: iknow GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM.The era of Big Government is over for good bucko. Time for you to get a job at WAL-MART Because your COSY Government Job feeding off of Taxpayers $$$$$$$$$ is coming to an end _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

iknowhowtospell said...
Can someone please translate Klatu's post into some kind of human language, so I can understand what he's talking about?

Or, since Klatu always thinks my posts are too long, here's a caveman version that maybe he can understand:

You not talk clear. Me not understand.

Klatu said...
iknowisaMarxist said: Can someone please translate Klatu's post into some kind of human language.

Klatu said: Its called Conservatism IknowisaMarxist.

Something that is never taught in the Government Schools anymore but Communism still is. Your a product of Government School Communism just like O-BOMB-A. Of course you don't understand. You live on another Planet.

PS: IKNOW come on over to my blog so I can erase your posts for being off topic again and again and again and. Its so much fun to erase your Posts and get vital blog memory back for more on topic useful Americans.

Victoria Taft said...
So let's get this straight: Jose is an Obamaniac and has had his citizenship questioned and we're called to condemn that question by klatu, but nobody is bothering to ask about Jose gleefully calling on the death of the President?

Klatu is, of course, wrong to make assumptions.

What about you, Jose?

iknowhowtospell said... (@ Klatu)
What are you talking about? Honestly, I can't tell!

Sober up, think about what you want to say, THEN write something. If you have one, ask a friend to help you. It'll be easier for everyone if you do it that way.

Also ... still awaiting some sort of condemnation (or at least acknowledgment) of Klatu's reckless, tasteless, racist, violent statements, Victoria. You posted on other threads recently, so I know you've seen my request above.

iknowhowtospell said...
You're (short for "you are", Klatu) deflecting, Victoria.

You're (you are) absolutely welcome to question Jose about what you feel is a "gleeful" call, but that has absolutely nothing to do with Klatu's racist assumption that just because Jose's name is JOSE, he's an illegal alien.

Further, it has nothing to do with Klatu TWICE advocating violence - once upon me, and once upon Jose.

Plainly, I ask again: do you condemn and denounce these statements?

re: "I Thought They Sounded Similar ..."

From the post "I Thought They Sounded Similar. Obama Plagiarizes AGAIN. Joe Biden, Pick Up the White Courtesy Phone...", the following responses were posted. I re-post them here, in case they are unfairly removed from Victoria's blog (there's a precedent, as we all know):
  • I accuse Klatu of plagiarizing a blind, drunken monkey typing random letters at a keyboard. The structure of the speech and his tropes are the same.
To which Klatu responded, in the language of his home planet:
  • Typical iknowisaMarxist off topic comment. Void of Ideas just like
    O-BOMB-A has to try to change the Topic and Plagiarize from Karl Marx
    "the liberals Hero". The "Verbal Combat" Continues.
  • "I know" stay on topic.
To which I responded:
  • I'll write what I want, when I want to, thank you.
  • One more thought: How was Klatu's question about Jose's citizenship status ON topic, exactly?