Victoria and I have a bit of an on-line "history", one might call it.
Primarily, she posts what I consider to be poorly thought-out-arguments, illogical diatribes, snarky comments about Democrats/liberals/so-called RINOs, and bits and pieces cribbed from Michelle Malkin.
In return, I have posted many comments on her site. And surprise, surprise ... many have been deleted (accidentally, she has claimed on occasion) due to content, length, or "potty language".
I find these excuses odd and oddly timed, of course.
Complaining about lengthy retorts seems to give convincing argument the short end of the stick, I think. Sometimes in order to prove a point, one needs more than a paragraph or two. Granted, most of her following on her blog seems to have the attention span of a gnat with ADD, and asking anyone to read more than a short few sentences might blow a few mental gaskets, but that's neither here nor there, I suppose. That's what you get when Fox Noise Channel rots your brain with 30-second sound bites.
And as far as "potty language", I have called her out several times on her own pages regarding her hypocrisy. I have had a post deleted, for example, for using the word "goddamn", only to show that one of her listeners (a conservative!) used it in a post that wasn't deleted. Then, regarding a comment that Rev. Wright made, she used the very same word in her own post.
Now, I realize that him saying it makes the story part of the "news" that she is reporting, rather than me, your humble blogger, a nobody on the national news scene.
But still ... her claim was 'no potty talk, period'. Unless you're (you are) on her side, apparently. Just today, we're treated to "Global Warming my !$$!" and "... what a horses ass" (which should be "horse's", but whatever).
Then there was the time I posted a picture of what I imagined
Klaturd looks like. That post was deleted, though there was no foul language whatsoever.
There was another post in which I threw out the theory that Klaturd lived in a trailer park. That was deleted too, proving that nobody can take a joke any more. Oh yeah ... no foul language in that one.
Then there was a post in which a gentleman named Lew Waters, with whom I've made every effort to remain civil, responded to my list of 10 reasons why the Bush administration has been a disaster. As a retort to his response, I specifically replied - on point - to each of his counter arguments. This lengthy post was *also* deleted. And, here's the big surprise, there was no foul language.
So, since I've been accused of "bogarting" Victoria's blog (a drug reference, so I can only assume that Victoria is high when she posts sometimes), and I can't write anything there without being deleted, and I couldn't write anything there of consequential length, and I couldn't write anything using language that adults tend to use when they're compassionate about a subject, we're here.
Welcome to the world of iknowhowtospell, a regular Joe who has had enough nonsense from one of the voices on Portland's 18th rated radio station.
Yeah, I'm picking a small fight, but it'll be fun (for me, if for nobody else).
In this blog, I will occasionally:
- respond to her specific posts,
- debunk her half-truths, misinformation, and outright lies,
- post proper rules of grammar, to help failures like Klatu,
- and post other thoughts pertinent to the news of the day
In keeping with the rules that Victoria has established, comments may be deleted for no reason. I may connect point A to point B for absolutely no valid reason. Who knows?